• Welcome

    ...To the Website of Swiss Youth Representatives to the United nations


    Who is Representing Swiss Youth?

    The Swiss UN Youth Reps represent young people of Switzerland internationally at the United Nations. A team of three representatives is mandated every year for two years to be the voice of young Switzerland in the international arena. They are part of the Swiss delegation to three large UN conferences in New York. Furthermore, the Swiss UN Youth Reps are observers at UN Geneva. Besides collecting experiences internationally, they raise awareness for UN-related topics in Switzerland, with an annual project and by organizing school visits and events about the Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Affiliations

    Swiss UN Youth Reps is A project initiated by the Swiss National Youth Council

    and supported by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

    Jugendsession ©SAJV

    Founded in the 1930s, the Swiss National Youth Council (SAJV/CSAJ) is now established as the umbrella organization for around 60 youth organizations in Switzerland, representing more than 500,000 children and young people. The SAJV's main goal is to serve as a spokesperson for the interests of Swiss youth on a political and public level. To achieve this goal, the SAJV initiates and develops various projects in its central areas of Youth engagement, our future, and inclusion. SAJV also coordinates the Climate Youth Delegate programme.

    Bundeshaus Bern Schweiz ©Flora Chiper

    The task of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) is to safeguard Switzerland's interests abroad and in its relations with foreign countries. Currently, the head of the FDFA is Federal Councillor and Minister of Foreign Affairs is Ignazio Cassis. In international UN conferences, in coordination with the Swiss Missions to the UN, we are allowed to make statements on behalf of youth in Switzerland.

    United Nations General Assembly Hall 2022 © Flora Chiper

    Youth participation in decision-making is one of the key areas highlighted within the UN agenda on youth. This emphasis on youth involvement is why it has become increasingly common for countries to appoint youth delegates to participate in conferences such as the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Most activities involving youth delegates are coordinated by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA).

  • Junior Youth Reps



    Flora Chiper - Swiss UN Youth Representative

    Marta Zaragoza NAvarro


    Priority topics:

    science-policy interface,

    water & climate agendas (SDG 6 & SDG13), gender equality (SDG5)



    Aneschka Berchtold

    Mehdi Mesbah


    Priority topics:

    Economic and social development of the global south (SDG 1 & SDG 8)

    International cooperation & global governance (SDG 16 & SDG 17)


    "I aspire to represent a multicultural youth concerned and working towards the improvement of our world"

    Pleun Vaartjes

    Hanishha Soosai


    Priority topics:

    equal opportunities (SDG10), migration and refugees, inclusive education (SDG4), and human rights

  • Senior Youth Reps



    Aneschka Berchtold

    AneSchKA Berchtold

    UN conference:

    78th UN General Assembly 3rd committee


    Priority topics:

    Climate action (SDG7 & 13), Gender equality (SDG5 & 10), Youth exchange and engagement.


    Flora Chiper - Swiss UN Youth Representative

    Flora CHiper

    UN conference: 

    62nd CSocD - Commission for Social Development


    Priority topics:

    Health promotion (SDG3), Education (SDG4), Equal opportunity (SDG5 &10) and Youth engagement in innovation and technology.


    Pleun Vaartjes

    Pleun Vaartjes


    UN conference:

    79th UN General Assembly 3rd committee


    Priority topics:

    Migration and Refugees, Gender equality (SDG5), Climate Change mitigation (SDG13), reducing social inequality (SDG10).


  • Climate Youth Delegate


    broken image

    Anna Kurth






    broken image

    Alexis Balimann





  • The Mandate

    Three new Swiss UN Youth Reps are mandated each year for two years.

    Therefore there is a Junior-Senior system, with 3 new and 3 experienced YouthReps in the team at all times.



    The mandate starts on July 1st. After kick-off meetings, communication training, introduction meetings by the SAJV and FDFA, coachings by the previous YouthReps and a lot of planning, they are ready to make a difference!



    During the first year of their mandate, Swiss UN Youth Reps participate at international conferences. Usually one Youth Rep at a time attends a large conference at UN Headquarters in New York: the UNGA in October, the CSocD in February and the CRPD in June. Additionally, they get the chance to participate at smaller international conferences together in Europe and have access to UN Geneva as observers for one year.



    Besides gaining experiences internationally, they move on to the national part of their mandate. Their main goal is to raise awareness for UN-related topics within Swiss youth. They participate at the Swiss Youth Parliament session, visit schools, and organize workshops about the SDGs. Additionally, they create an annual project to e.g. raise awareness for a UN-related topic.



    The last 6 months of their mandate is mentoring, which means the seniors coach the junior YouthReps.

  • FAQS

    Frequently Asked Questions